Komi-Zyrian (ISO 639-3:kpv, Glottolog: komi1268), henceforth Komi, belongs to the Permic branch of the Uralic language family and is spoken by approximately 160,000 people who live predominantly in the Komi Republic of the Russian Federation. Komi is a morphologically rich and agglutinating language, and the linguistic structure of Komi and its dialects is relatively well described. However, the existing descriptions focus on phonology and morphology and are not written in modern descriptive frameworks. Komi is formally recognized as the second official language of the Komi Republic, but the language is endangered as the result of rapid language shift to Russian. Three Komi varieties, Zyrian, Permyak and Yazva, are generally distinguished.

Recording session kpv_izva20160626-03 in Tsalmme-Varre, Kola Peninsula

During our three year long project we have done fieldwork in numerous locations where Komi dialects are spoken outside Komi Republic, and also added into our corpus different older resources.